Surfing and Baguettes

Surfing and Baguettes

The bottom turn
The bottom turn
Vidéo de surf
Publiée le le 02 janvier 2012

965 vues

Luke Cederman (lauréat du premier INNERSECTION) recently spent some time in France, it’s a wonderful place, full of many French things. French Fries, French Toast, French Dressing, French Kissing and fat English actress Dawn French. Luke spent most of his time there surfing, or at least waiting for surf, it wasn’t the best time for waves while he was there but it was still fun none the less. Check out this video of a couple of his surfs in the land of Croissants and Jaques Cousteau

Big Thanks to:
Mike Pireddu, Didier Piter, Guillaume Dartenuc, Chloe Rouxel and Geraldine Creff