World’s First Quadruple Tail Whip on A Mountain Bike | The Audi Nines MTB 2018

World’s First Quadruple Tail Whip on A Mountain Bike | The Audi Nines MTB 2018

Vidéo de vtt
Publiée le le 13 septembre 2018

David Godziek (le frère donc) pose le premier quadruple tailwhip sur un VTT. Rogatkin va sûrement s'énerver et le poser aussi ! :p


David Godziek puts down the world’s first quadruple tail whip on a mountain bike at The Audi Nines MTB 2018.

“I landed the triple whip pretty easy, so I decided to try for one more,” said the 24-year-old professional mountain biker from the village of Suszec in southern Poland. “I hadn’t been thinking about this trick at all, but the jump here at Audi Nines turned out to be the perfect jump for it. It’s huge and there’s a lot of airtime to do it.”

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